Go Willow Go rainbow and clouds with little figure reaching up

Fundraising & Events

Our fundraising started with an online auction to raise money for Willow to go to the Brainwave Centre in Somerset. Willow went three times to Brainwave but we found she would be too tired to actually benefit from the intensive physio offered and so we decided to ensure instead that she had weekly physio at home. Since then we have held another auction and several family and friends have done some amazing things to raise money for Willow. We raise money online via Tree of Hope, if you would like to raise money for Willow towards her physio and other regular therapies, please take a look at her page on Tree of Hope.

Willow and Arthur playing on the wheelchair swing

We are currently raising money towards Willow's physiotherapy and horse-riding. We are also looking at a better wheelchair for Willow but we can't decide which would be best for her all-round.

Order a Kids Go,Willow,Go T-Shirt! - £10 plus postage

Go Willow Go logo : rainbow and clouds with little figure reaching up

Upcoming Events

Yateley May Fayre

This year we have two main fundraising events. On Monday 1st May we will have our first Go, Willow, Go stall at the Yateley May Fayre run by the Yateley & District Lions, with Lego fun planned, a Hook-a-Duck and lots of Fee's homemade fudge in a variety of flavours, including Unicorn rainbow fudge!

Handmade Loveliness Auction 2017

In November we are hosting an online auction of lovely handmade items donated by lovely people! Please join the Facebook event where all the fun will be happening from 19th - 26th November 2017, just in time for people to buy some very special gifts in time for Christmas. If you know of anyone who would like to donate a handmade item to the auction, please get in touch!

Ongoing Online Donations

You can always make donations online using our Tree of Hope page, where you can also donate Gift Aid. Tree of hope currently charge us 8% on all donations to manage our account. Currently, Willow's private physiotherapy is paid for via her Tree of Hope fundraising accountt.

If you would like to make a donation via bank transfer directly into the Go, Willow, Go bank account, please get in touch with us for the bank details.

Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother
Willow on the rug laughing
Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother
Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother