Go Willow Go rainbow and clouds with little figure reaching up

Links of Interest

Websites we think you might be interested in or other charities and organisations that we support or who have supported Willow.

Go, Willow, Go on Facebook

Please visit and like our public page and get involved in Willow's social network where we often share videos and pictures of her amazing progress.

Henry Tyndale School

Willow's fantastic special school in Farnborough, which has now been rated Outstanding for three consecutive visits!

The HIE Network Forum

The HIE Network is a group of UK-based parents, foster carers and other family members of children who experienced Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) at birth or in infancy. It is run by volunteers who are also parents of children with HIE.

Bobath Centre for Cerebral Palsy


Brainwave Centre


Jess' Potential Facebook Page

Jess also has cerebral palsy. Jess and her twin were in SCBU with Willow

Enabling Asher

Asher is one of Willow's best friends, they started life together in Frimley Park Hospital SCBU and also has Cerebral palsy

Our Harry's Smile

Willow's little friend from school

Yateley & District Lions

The Lions have supported is in a manner of ways over the last few years.

Blended Diet UK

Another facebook group for tubefed individuals and parents of tubies who are chosing to feed and be fed real food instead of living a life on artificial food.

Starburst Foundation

Great local charity who funded Willow's fabulous all-terrain chair which has enabled us to get out and about during the warmer weather, on holiday and to festivals! We've even been up a (quite tame) mountain with her in it.

Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother
Willow on the rug laughing
Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother
Willow enjoying her wheelchair swing with her brother